Employee Attendance Record System Project in PHP | MYSQLI | HTML | CSS | JAVASCRIPT | BOOTSTRAP
An employee is a very important part of the any organizations. Without the employees, there would not be any proper functioning of the organization. The attendance of the employees in the organization should be kept in track by the authorities in charge of it.
Some organizations will be having only a small amount of people in which case the maintenance of the attendance of all the employees will be quiet easier. But what if the organization consists of thousands of employees? It will be very difficult to maintain through the pen paper method. In such cases, the employee attendance management system will be very useful.
As the name suggests, the employee attendance management system is used to maintain the information related to the employees of the organization. Attendance is one of the risk factor that always bothers the employees in the organization. In some organizations, the attendance will not be tracked and stored properly. It might be stored manually through the use of pen and paper.
There might be even situations where the person in charge of noting down the employees absent on the particular day forgets to write about it. At this situation the number of days the person was absent will be not properly calculated. This is one of the best ideas that one can develop and implement. There should be a strong backend database to this project idea. The front end should be simple and easy to understand.
This project allows you to enter the days on which an employee was present or absent. It helps the organization to keep an eye on the employee’s attendance. It can also help in warning the employee if the number of days that he was absent has exceeded the maximum limit. The interface should be user friendly. Even a common man should be able to understand the interface.