E Commerce | Online Shopping System Project in PHP | MYSQLI | HTML | CSS | Source Code Free Download

E Commerce | Online Shopping System Project in PHP | MYSQLI | HTML | CSS | Source Code Free Download

To give users a fabulous experience while shopping, the shopping modules has been divided into different menus and sub menus with proper heading. Upon selecting the proper section, the list of products along with their images and price per items will be available. By default it will include the product page which is available with offers or discounts to give a attractive look and feel to attract customers for their very first time. For customers who want to experience real time shopping experience, they have to first make a profile using their valid email and mobile number for placing their orders.      
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Using tiles, the entire web page has been divided into three section and these are header, footer and body section. Further body section has been divided into three sub section, left menu and right menu and in between contents of the body. 
To provide easy processing environment, users have to select the product and system will take care, what to be done under the next sections. As many number items selected by the customers it details can be reviewed through the Online Shopping Cart available at the top section. Online Shopping Cart will display the items name, total number of items, price per items and the total amount which has to be paid by the customer.

Under this new Online Shopping System, the will be modules upon which the entire system will depend. The first part will be admin control panel and the next part will be for customers. Through admin panel, admin will able to upload images, make documentation, set price, number of items and set image appearance style and much more. 
On the customers side, they will able to get three different type images, automatic enlargement of images upon placing mouse on it, displaying number of items available, price and discounts if available.
 This system has been enable with secure payment gateway by using third party trusted certificates. Admin should have a PayPal account in order to receive payments from any bank and in different currencies. 
All products has been categorized into different sections and easy searching process through provided options such as products within particular range, size, colors etc. To start purchasing using this online portal, each customers should have a valid login id and password. Verification of account will be done through customers valid email id.

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